Watch my presentation from the FARE Food Allergy Summit — What I wish I knew about Eosinophilic Esophagitis (EoE)

One question I am asked often is how we discovered my son’s Eosinophilic Esophagitis (EoE) diagnosis. It wasn’t a clear path of recognizable symptoms that were obvious to his physicians and allergist. From infancy we were managing the challenges of the top 9+ most common food allergens in terms of anaphylaxis and IgE-mediated food allergies.

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He was eight when we decided to try oral immunotherapy (OIT) — and it took three years of OIT to discover his EoE diagnosis. Then we began down a different path with a whole other list of challenges with food, and our world got a whole lot smaller.

At the FARE Food Allergy Summit 2023 in Orlando, Florida, I was grateful to have the opportunity to speak about EoE and food allergies alongside Dr. Qian Yuan, pediatrician and senior pediatric gastroenterologist of Harvard Medical School. This topic has greatly impacted our family -- I'm happy to share the food allergy and EoE insight that I have learned over the last decade managing these challenges with our now teenage son.

Click here to access the presentation:

Parent's Perspective: What I wish I knew about Eosinophilic Esophagitis (EoE)


Becoming Familiar with Food Manufacturing


Food Allergies to OIT to EoE to an Endocrinologist — and Growth